May 21, 2024 Board of Education Recognitions

Norco - This month’s Board Recognition took place on Tuesday, May 21st.  Congratulations to all the amazing students and staff celebrated at this month's Board of Education Recognitions!

a. Cristina David and Stacy Preciado, Paraeducators - Parkridge Elementary School Sign Language Club

b. Corona Ranch Elementary School Rocketeers Leadership Program

c. Riverside County Sheriff's Department Deputies Sal Carrillo and Taroo Curry

d. 2024 California Distinguished School - John F. Kennedy Middle College High School

e. 2024 District Employees of the Year

Dr. Ben Roberts, Administrative Director – Human Resources – Certificated Administrator of the Year

Brittany Ritzi-Foust, Communications Director – Communications – Classified Administrator of the Year

Dr. Petria Gonzales, Principal – John F. Kennedy Middle College High School – Principal of the Year

Alexis Goddard, Counselor – Centennial High School – Counselor of the Year

Lan Gomez, Psychologist – Corona High School – Site Support Employee of the Year

Michelle Haskin, Secretary – Human Resources – Confidential Employee of the Year

Lisa Imfeld, Paraeducator – Stallings Elementary School – Classified Employee of the Year